List of Ansible Ad-Hoc Commands

Ansible Ad-Hoc Commands

Ansible ad-hoc commands allow system administrators to perform quick, one-time tasks on remote machines without writing complex playbooks. These commands utilize Ansible modules to execute actions like installing packages, managing services, or retrieving system information. Ad-hoc commands are perfect for automation, troubleshooting, and simple configurations in IT environments.

1. Ping

Test connectivity to your hosts using the ping module.

bashCopyansible all -m ping

2. Run a Shell Command

Execute a shell command on remote hosts using the shell module.

bashCopyansible all -m shell -a "uptime"

3. Run a Command (No Shell)

Execute a command on remote hosts (without the shell) using the command module.

bashCopyansible all -m command -a "ls -l"

4. Copy a File

Copy a local file to a remote machine using the copy module.

bashCopyansible all -m copy -a "src=/path/to/local/file dest=/path/to/remote/file"

5. Check Disk Space

Check disk usage on remote hosts using the command or shell module.

bashCopyansible all -m shell -a "df -h"

6. Install a Package

Install a package (e.g., vim) on remote hosts using the apt or yum module (depending on your OS).

  • For Ubuntu/Debian:

      bashCopyansible all -m apt -a "name=vim state=present"
  • For CentOS/RHEL:

      bashCopyansible all -m yum -a "name=vim state=present"

7. Start or Restart a Service

Manage services on remote hosts using the service module.

bashCopyansible all -m service -a "name=nginx state=restarted"

8. Create a User

Create a user on remote hosts using the user module.

bashCopyansible all -m user -a "name=newuser state=present"

9. Delete a User

Remove a user from remote hosts using the user module.

bashCopyansible all -m user -a "name=olduser state=absent"

10. Add a Cron Job

Manage cron jobs with the cron module.

bashCopyansible all -m cron -a "name='Backup job' minute='0' hour='2' job='/usr/bin/'"

11. Change File Permissions

Modify file permissions using the file module.

bashCopyansible all -m file -a "path=/path/to/file mode=0755"

12. Fetch a File

Retrieve a file from a remote host to your local machine using the fetch module.

bashCopyansible all -m fetch -a "src=/path/to/remote/file dest=/path/to/local/destination flat=yes"

13. Get Facts About Hosts

Gather information about remote systems (e.g., OS, CPU, memory) using the setup module.

bashCopyansible all -m setup

14. Reboot a System

Reboot a machine using the reboot module.

bashCopyansible all -m reboot

15. Check for Updates (APT)

Check for package updates on Debian/Ubuntu systems using the apt module.

bashCopyansible all -m apt -a "update_cache=yes"

16. Add a Repository

Add a repository on a remote host using the apt_repository module (for Ubuntu/Debian).

bashCopyansible all -m apt_repository -a "repo='ppa:nginx/stable'"

17. Configure Firewall Rules

Use the ufw module to manage firewall rules on remote Ubuntu servers.

bashCopyansible all -m ufw -a "rule='allow from to any port 22'"

18. Get System Uptime

Retrieve the system uptime from a remote host.

bashCopyansible all -m command -a "uptime"

19. Run a Script

Run a local script on remote hosts using the script module.

bashCopyansible all -m script -a "/path/to/local/"

20. Gather Disk Usage Info

Use the command module to get disk usage stats.

bashCopyansible all -m command -a "df -h"

21. Configure SELinux (RHEL/CentOS)

Manage SELinux mode using the selinux module.

bashCopyansible all -m selinux -a "policy=targeted state=enforcing"

Useful Options for Ad-Hoc Commands:

  • --become: Run the command with elevated privileges (similar to sudo).

      bashCopyansible all -m yum -a "name=httpd state=present" --become
  • -u <username>: Specify the remote user to connect as.

      bashCopyansible all -m command -a "whoami" -u myuser
  • -k: Prompt for the SSH password.

      bashCopyansible all -m ping -k